All Things Banned and Censored

Event type: Monthly meeting
Date: Mon 14 Jun 2021
Time: 10:15am - 12:00pm
Venue: Zoom (online)

Christine and Peter Padwick will give a talk which is a light-hearted survey of banning and censorship over the past 100 years or so, with pictures, songs & anecdotes.

It will touch on George Formby, the BBC, cricket, Marilyn Monroe,  G.B. Shaw, the Crazy Gang, Dr. Crippen, Alfred Hitchcock, Eartha Kitt, Frank Sinatra, D.H. Lawrence, Max Miller, George Gershwin and much more. 

Christine and Peter Padwick are based in Salisbury, both have a background in teaching. Peter ran Theobalds College for 20 years in the 70s & 80s. They devised  a programme of shows which they have performed all over the country.