We are delighted that you are thinking of joining North London U3A. Anyone who is retired or semi-retired is welcome to join, and there are no upper or lower age limits.
Membership of NLU3A entitles you to join as many of our Interest Groups as you wish (depending on vacancies). Membership fees currently include venue costs for meetings (and Group Coordinators will advise of any additional costs). You can find out here about the groups we currently offer.
Our membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December.
- For new members joining between 1 November and 31 December 2024, the annual subscription (£40) for the following year is payable, so the subscription is valid for up to 14 months.
- For new members joining from 1 January to 30 June 2025, the subscription rate is £40 for the year.
- For new members joining from 1 July to 31 October 2025, the rate is reduced to £24 for the rest of the year.
- If you are a current member of another U3A, you may join us as an Associate member with a discount of £5.50 on the full-year subscription.
Note: anyone in receipt of Pension Credit is entitled to a concessionary rate. For further information, please contact the Membership Secretary at membership@nlu3a.org.uk in strictest confidence.
Our once-a-term magazine, The Northern Line, is published on our website as a pdf document. If you’d prefer a print version to be posted to you, please select that option for an additional £6 per year.
Click here for the Join form and here for the Renew form (for existing members). If you have any membership queries, please email our Membership Secretary at membership@nlu3a.org.uk.
We hope you enjoy your membership!