British Humour in Postcards

Event type: Monthly meeting
Date: Mon 8 Feb 2021
Time: 10:15am - 12:00pm
Venue: Zoom (online)

Brilliant British Humour in the Forgotten ArtĀ of the Picture Postcard: 1840-1950
Dr James Taylor, a former auctioneer and curator of the National Maritime Museum will talk about artist-drawn postcards, the most popular art form from the Edwardian era up to the outbreak of World War II.
They entertained, inspired, instructed, motivated, persuaded and lifted-up the spirits. We will discover the popular themes and styles by the masters of the medium such as Mabel Lucie Attwell, Donald McGill and Fred Spurgin; and the reasons why their popularity waned with the British public.
James has been collecting humorous postcards for more than 45 years.